Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Jonathan M.

My experience before teaching was in the sphere of Human Resources and I have worked within some major multinational organisations based in the UK. I specialise in business English, as well as, job interview and exam preparation. Given my business background, I am able to engage with my students on a commercial and operational level and empathise with the professional challenges they face within their specific disciplines and industries. As such, we can use English within the lessons in a very implicit way which will really help you when you need to use it for real in your day to day business activities.

I also have particularly strong depth of expertise in preparing my students for the IELTS, BEC and CPE exams and love to have a shared goal and achieve the desired outcome. I will be with you every step of the way and show a level of commitment which will inspire your own work ethic for the exam.

I provide all of my students with material for the entirety of their courses and each lesson has a clear and defined goal.

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