Tuesday, June 18, 2019

16 English Phrasal Verbs With Bring

16 phrasal verbs with ‘bring’ (with example sentences)



  1. Cause something to happen
    Government investment in infrastructure brought about huge changes to society.
    Social media has brought about big changes in how children interact.



  1. Take someone or something with you when you go somewhere
    “Is it ok if I bring along a friend to the party?” – “Sure, everyone is welcome!”
    I brought along my camera to the museum in case I wanted to take some photos.



  1. Change someone’s view or opinion
    At first she didn’t agree that exercise was important but I managed to bring her around to my opinion.

  2. Bring something with you when you visit
    I’ll bring around a bottle of wine when I come over later.

  3. Make someone conscious after being unconscious
    He fainted so we splashed cold water on his face to bring him around.



  1. Learn or gain something valuable, often through experience
    I brought away a lot from my cooking classes.



Bring back

  1. To return something
    My clock stopped working so I brought it back to the shop.

  2. Think about memories/feelings from the past
    Those photos bring back memories of our holidays in Spain.

  3. Reintroduce something from past
    It would be a very bad idea to bring back slavery.

  4. Re-employ
    They’re bringing back their old football manager in the hope that he can turn their season around.

  5. Save someone’s life when they almost died
    His heart stopped but they managed to bring him back.

  6. Talk about something you’ve already spoken about
    That brings us back to our original point: We need to regulate guns.



  1. Fall/collapse
    No one knows what brought down the Malaysian airplane in 2014.

  2. Topple/overturn a government
    The government was brought down by the corruption scandal.

  3. Make someone feel bad emotionally
    David is so negative, he always brings down my mood.

  4. To reduce something/make it lower
    The Prime Minister’s aim was to bring down unemployment by half.


7. BRING FORTH (old/formal)

Bring forth

  1. Cause something to happen/to create or generate something
    Her complaint brought forth changes to the company’s policies.

  2. To produce something
    The old trees in the garden brought forth apples and pears each year.

  3. To give birth to (old-fashioned)
    She brought forth four sons and one daughter.



  1. Change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier
    They brought forward the meeting to 11am as they had another appointment in the afternoon.

  2. Announce a plan or proposal so people can consider it
    The Ministry of Defense will bring forward their budget next week.



  1. Use skills of a particular group or person, invite them into an organisation or job
    We brought in a marketing expert for the campaign launch.

  2. To make or earn money
    With my main job and my freelance work I bring in around £40,000 a year.

  3. To introduce a new law or system
    In 2015 the new tax law was brought in throughout the country.

  4. To involve someone new in a discussion or conversation you’re having
    At this point I’d like to bring in my colleague Anna, who has some interesting information on this issue.



  1. Succeed at something that is difficult
    It was a very difficult presentation but she brought it off.
    If he can bring off this deal he’ll be a very rich man.



  1. Cause something to happen/appear (often related to an illness, pain etc.)
    Jane’s illness was brought on by stress.Bring something on

  2. Confidence in meeting a challenge
    “Bet I can run up that hill faster than you.”
    “Bring it on!”

While ‘bring on’ means to cause something (usually negative) to happen, in conversational English ‘bring it on!’ is used to show that someone is ready and eager to face a challenge or difficult situation. It is often used in sports or physical challenges (e.g. “England vs. Germany? Bring it on!”)



  1. Produce a new product
    Toyota brought out a new, environmentally-friendly car this year.

  2. To stress, highlight or reveal something
    That colour really brings out your blue eyes.
    He was such a great teacher that he always brought out the best in his students.

  3. To publish something
    When are you bringing out your new book?



Bring on

  1. Physically take someone or something from one place to another, especially someone’s home
    She’s going to bring over a film on DVD this evening.
    David is bringing over his new girlfriend this afternoon.



  1. Regain consciousness (in particular after someone faints)
    We were worried it was more serious but the doctors managed to bring her round.

  2. Convince or change someone’s opinion or point of view
    He didn’t believe in gun control but we discussed it and managed to bring him round.

  3. To come to someone’s home with something
    Could you bring round some wine when you come for dinner tonight? 

Some phrasal verbs have very similar meanings. For example, ‘bring round’ and ‘bring to’ can both mean: to make someone regain consciousness. Similarly, ‘bring around’, ‘bring round’ and ‘bring over’ can all mean: to physically bring something or someone with you from one place to another (usually when you’re visiting someone’s home). But remember that ‘Bring round’, ‘bring to’ and ‘bring around’ all have additional meanings too!



  1. Make someone regain consciousness
    After she fainted, the doctors brought her to.

  2. Cause a ship/vessel to stop
    We’re approaching the harbor so let’s bring the boat to.



  1. To mention a topic or subject in a conversation
    Don’t bring up that topic with Sarah or she’ll get annoyed.

  2. To raise children or animals, the place someone was raised
    She brought up three children all on her own.
    I was brought up in London.

  3. To vomit
    I got food poisoning last night and brought up everything I ate.

  4. To open a program or website to view on a computer screen
    My Google search brought up some very interesting results.
    Could you bring up that email so I can take another look?


Exercises: phrasal verbs with ‘bring’

Task A

Match the ‘bring’ phrasal verbs 1-8 with their correct meanings a-h: 

  1. Bring forward

  2. Bring down

  3. Bring to

  4. Bring around

  5. Bring about

  6. Bring up

  7. Bring in

  8. Bring round


  1. To change someone’s view or opinion

  2. To mention a topic or subject in a conversation

  3. To change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier

  4. To regain consciousness (in particular after someone faints)

  5. To make someone feel bad emotionally

  6. To cause something to happen

  7. To involve someone new in a discussion or conversation you’re having

  8. To bring something with you when you visit

Task B

Choose the correct ‘bring’ phrasal verb to complete the sentences below: 

  1. I was brought up/brought in/brought around in South America but I live in Europe now.

  2. I’m looking forward to seeing you later for dinner. Could you bring in/bring round/bring up some wine when you come?

  3. The doctors thought that too much stress had brought forth/brought out/brought on the illness.

  4. As the project was so important we decided to bring on/bring in/bring to external consultants to advise us.

  5. This song always brings back/brings along/brings round memories of my childhood.

  6. We argued for hours about it but in the end I managed to bring her back/around/over.

  7. It would be a good idea to bring along/bring back/bring forth a camera as it’s very beautiful in the forest.

  8. The war brought about/brought in/brought up a revolution.

Task C

Fill in the gaps with an appropriate ‘bring’ phrasal verb: 

  1. Could you __________ my DVD when you come round later?

  2. Our company __________ over £1 million profit last year.

  3. The place where I was __________ is very small, unlike the place I live now.

  4. He never figured out what _____________ the pain but we thought it was psychological.

  5. After she passed out, the doctors ______ her ______ with some medicine.

  6. She was very ill, she __________ all her food.

  7. If we __________ the dinner to 6pm then we can get to the theatre in time.

  8. The dress was just a bit too tight so I _____ it _____ to the shop.

Check your answers:

Task A

1. c
2. e
3. h
4. a
5. f
6. b
7. g
8. d

Task B

1. Brought up
2. bring round
3. brought on
4. bring in
5. brings back
6. bring around
7. bring along
8. brought about

Task C

1. Bring around/round/over
2. brought in
3. brought up
4. brought on
5. brought round/to
6. brought up
7. bring forward
8. brought back

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